
Showing posts from March, 2017

Right Hand Drive cars in a Left Hand Drive World

   Living in San Diego, California, means that cars are usually driven from the left side. Those hardy souls who love British cars, however, brave the roads from the right seat. One may say, the Proper Seat. Which creates a bit of confusion on the part of other drivers. Ideally, a large dog on the left would look like it was driving. A giant stuffed toy would also work. Why not have fun with it?    We have British cars because they are quirky and different. After deciding that a Classic Mini would be just our cuppa tea, and having great success making him into a daily driver, we've dipped our toes even deeper into the water and are currently working on a New Zealand built 1971 Morris Minor work van, named Kiwi.    And, because it's not bad enough to have two tempermental, eccentric British cars, we went and bought the crowning glory of What The HELL Were We Thinking. His name is Oliver Twist.    He's a 1958 Diesel London Taxicab. With more rust than an abandoned tractor